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New torque wrench double scale accurate setting torque value

Torque wrench is also called torque wrench, torque wrench, torque adjustable wrench, wrench is a wrench, generally divided into two categories: manual torque wrench and electric torque wrench.

Manual torque wrench: the current stage is divided into mechanical sound alarm type, digital display type, pointer type (dial type), skidding type (self-skidding type). The mechanical sound alarm type adopts the lever principle. When the torque reaches the set torque, there will be a sound of "bang" mechanical collision. After that, the wrench will become a dead Angle and be equivalent to a wrench.

Digital display and pointer (dial) similar, are made * moment visualization. At present the digital display and pointer are working on the basis of mechanical sound alarm torque wrench. Mechanical sound alarm type is the mainstream of the current market products, mainly reflected in the price is cheap, the other three relatively speaking, the price is expensive. However, due to the requirements of all walks of life on this aspect is increasingly high, and efficiency requirements, digital display, pointer type (dial type) and skidding type (self-skidding type) demand will be more and more high.

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