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Composition and principle of pneumatic adjustable torque wrench

The utility model relates to a torque wrench which is powered by a high-pressure air pump. A torque multiplier with three or more rotating gears is driven by one or two powerful pneumatic motors. The torque is controlled by adjusting the gas pressure to allow for specific torque requirements, and each tool is equipped with a special pressure-first control chart of the torque and a calibration report. And for further application, the pneumatic wrench can be equipped with torque sensor at the same time, when the output torque is more accurate. After the required torque is obtained, the air source can be closed manually or automatically using the appropriate loop system. The torque calculation formula of rotating object is T=9550P/n. P is power, unit is kW,n is speed, unit is revolution/minute,r/min torque is Nm. Torque is the product of force and moment arm length. For a wrench, 200NM means that the distance from the starting point of the wrench to the starting point of the heart wrench is one meter, and the force applied is 200N. According to the definition of torque and the lever principle, if 100N force is applied at 2M of the wrench, or 400N force is applied at 0.5m of the wrench, the torque generated by them is 200NM. How to calculate the moment arm of the pneumatic spanner? The main problem is this: the air supply pressure is multiplied by the effective area of the pneumatic piston to obtain the output force of the pneumatic motor, and then the torque transfer of each component of the transmission mechanism is calculated. It is difficult to make sense without dimensional or mapping data for the internal components. You can actually test, for example, using a pneumatic wrench to turn a disc with a radius of 1 meter, to see how much force is needed to stop the disc from turning. Torque is the product of the force and the length of the moment arm. For a wrench, 200NM means that the distance from the starting point of the wrench to the starting point of the heart wrench is one meter, and the force applied is 200N. According to the definition of torque and the lever principle, if 100N force is applied at 2M of the wrench, or 400N force is applied at 0.5m of the wrench, the torque generated by them is 200NM. General pneumatic wrench, torque more than 10 to 30, 40 meters, 200 meters of air wrench has not heard of, still think it is the machine. The "force" acting on the screw cap or nut is generally "expressed" and expressed by torque. If you want to calculate the output, you do it the same way, and then you divide by 2. Because the force acting on the nut is the "couple".

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