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Torque wrenches are designed with the force of a human hand

(I) torque wrench is a special tool for precise control of bolt and nut locking torque, which should be used correctly according to the following requirements:

(2) do not use a preset torque wrench to remove bolts or nuts.

(3) it is strictly forbidden to add sleeve extension moment arm at the end of torque wrench to prevent damage to torque wrench.

(iv) adjust the required torque as required and confirm that the adjusting mechanism is in a locked state before it can be used.

(5) when using the torque wrench, it should be loaded slowly and evenly, and should not be yanked and pressed violently, so as to avoid overload and misalignment of the output torque. After the preset torque is reached, the loading should be stopped.

(6) after the use of the preset torque wrench, it should be adjusted to the minimum torque, so that the force measuring spring is fully relaxed, in order to extend its life.

(7) water intrusion into the preset torque wrench should be avoided to prevent parts from rust.

(8) the opening size of the selected torque wrench must be consistent with the size of the bolt or nut. The wrench opening is too large and easy to slip and damage the hexagon of the screw. The selection principle of all kinds of wrenches, generally preferred to choose socket wrench, followed by box wrench, open wrench, and finally choose the adjustable wrench.

(9) in order to prevent damage and slip-off of the wrench, the tension should be applied on the side with a thicker opening. This should be paid special attention to the movable spanner with a larger force, so as to prevent the opening from appearing "eight" shape and damaging the nut and wrench.

(10) the torque wrench is designed according to the force of human hands. In case of tight threaded parts, it is not allowed to hit the wrench with a hammer; Except for socket wrenches, all wrenches should not be equipped with a reinforcing rod to prevent damage to wrenches or threaded fittings

(11) when using a torque wrench, it is most appropriate to hear a "snap"


Use: torque wrench is a tool for rotating bolts or nuts.

2. Usage: torque wrench should use tension when turning, and it is extremely dangerous to push the wrench.

3. Torque pulling can be used for tightening bolts, bolts should be cleaned and lubricated before tightening.

4. When using torque wrench to tighten the bolt, the force should be uniform and the impact force should not be used.

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